usage: shufflea5 [SWITCHES] [-P PRINTER] [-f file] [-m MARGIN] [-s SCALE] [-x X_OFFSET] [-y Y_OFFSET] [-# NUMBER] document.ps
-aq : assume 'Querrichtung' (printer set to tumble)
-a : print ASCII (through a2ps, one column)
-ao OPTIONS -- : additional a2ps options (only with -a)
-n : don't send to printer
-N PAGES : set number of pages explicitly
-v : verbose output
-p : preview before printing
-np : NO preview before printing (whatever)
-pp PAGES : preview only PAGES, e.g., 4-8 or 1,2,3
-R : reverse order
-d PAGES : divide into booklets with PAGES pages
-S : split up to n/4 separate print jobs
-s SCALE : magnification factor (from lower left pt)
-P PRINTER : send to PRINTER; default: lp
-f file : write folded to file instead of printer
-b : create separate files for front and back (only with -f)
-m MARGIN : add a margin,e.g -1cm (negative margins scale up page)
-x X_OFFSET : move pages X_OFFSET to the right
-y Y_OFFSET : move pages Y_OFFSET to the right
-e EVEN_OFFSET : add an extra x-offset to even pages (e.g. 10mm)
-# number : number of copies
-i : print immediately (default: wait 10 sec)
-h : print this help text
-help : print this help text
--version : print version (V1.7 Mon Nov 18 20:07:15 2002)
Takes postscript file, scales it to A5 and creates a small booklet.
By default, this is directly sent to the printer (with 10 seconds delay
in order to abort this process).
If output is a file, no preview is shown.
Before printing, a scaled preview (MARGIN/SCALE/OFFSET) displayed (via gv).
The original may be in .gz .bz or bz2 form.
The lengths given for offsets can be point ([]/pt), mm, cm, or inch.
PDF files can be printed as well (filtered through gs).
If -d is used, a number of print jobs (or files with numbers [1],2,3,..)
is created. The preview operates on the complete input in this case.
If -a is set AND not .ps[(gz|bz2)] ending is found, the input is assumed
to be ASCII and is filtered through a2ps. If additional options should be
handed to a2ps, they have to be between -ao and the next --; e.g, to print
every 5th line with a number, use ... -a -ao --line-numbers=5 -- ...
relies on: psnup psbook psselect grep gs gzip bzip bzip2 a2ps
ofixps (V1.6 or higher) pstops
known problems:
* sometimes preview does not work properly for postscript generated from pdf
Remember to abort printing if it does not fit.
author: M. Oliver M"oller <omoeller@verify-it.de>
ofixps (V1.6 Thu Oct 10 14:04:10 2002)
usage: ofixps [ahlptvR] [-r DEGREES] [-s FACTOR] [-w DIR] [-x X_OFFSET] [-y Y_OFFSET] [-e EVEN_OFFSET] [INFILE]+ OUTFILE
-h : print help
-a : adjust from a4 paper (only if output is letter)
-a4 : use explicit A4-bounding box [0 0 595 842]
-l : output in landscape
-p : preserve intermediate files
-pdf : filter through pdf (with ps2pdf/pdf2ps) first
-ps2pdf PROG : use PROG for ps -> pdf convertion
-P COMMAND -- : pipe output to command, e.g. -P lpr -d lp --
-R : reverse order of pages
-Y : assume "yes" to all queries
-n PAGES : set number of pages explicitly
-r DEGREES : rotate counter-clock-wise DEGREES
-s FACTOR : scale by FACTOR
-B BOUNDINGBOX : set bounding box, e.g. 0 0 612 792 for letter
-w DIR : change working dir to DIR (default: /tmp)
-x X_OFFSET : move picture X_OFFSET to the right (before scaling)
-Y Y_OFFSET : move picture Y_OFFSET up (before scaling)
-e EVEN_OFFSET : additional x offset for *even* pages (e.g. -15mm)
-E EVEN_OFFSET : additional y offset for *even* pages (e.g. -15mm)
-F FACTOR : apply fattening (FACTOR=1,2,3,4,5)
-G GRANULARITY : pixel granularity for fattening (default: 2.0)
-V : only vertical fattening
-v : verbose on
-vE : verbose on, set output to stderr
-t : flip odd pages (tumble)
--version : print version
fixes corrupted postscript files brute-force by extracting
them page per page, including them in a fresh
LaTeX document, compiling it and generating new postscript.
If more then one input file is given, they are appended (the last
filename is always assumed to be the output file; if only one file).
is given, a default suffix for the output file is provided.
If OUTFILE is "-", then output goes to stdout.
INFILE/OUTFILE is required, except in the case where -P ... -- is set.
With the -n switch, the number of pages to be processed can be set
explicity. In case of multiple input files, this can be used
repeatedly. E.g. "-n 10 -n - -n 12" means, that the first 10 pages
from the first input file are taken, all from the second one and
the first ten pages from the third one.
The temporary files will created in a working directory
(default is /tmp), and are deleted on success by default,
the switch -p prevents deletion.
The switch -pdf is very expensive (in terms of file sizes), but sometimes
the easiest way to fix missing page numbers.
The switch ps2pdf has to name an executable that can be called like:
and is required to create [INPUT-PS-FILE - suffix and path].pdf
The switch -F (and -G, -V) allows to fatten up your picture. This is
a very crude hack, calling ps2bmp. See there for details.
The lengths given for offsets can be point ([]/pt), mm, cm, or inch.
The psselect mechanism can only work properly, if page numbers are
present. If they are missing (e.g. while using ghostview), this
can often be fixed by manually removing the lines BEFORE
in the input file (if there should be any).
relies on: grep bc psselect latex [fancybox pstricks graphicx] dvips
ps2bmp [Version 2.5 or higher]
author: M. Oliver M'o'ller omoeller@verify-it.de
printads (V1.0alpha Fri May 30 21:07:18 2003)
usage: printads [hv]
-f FILE : use FILE for input addresses
-c CHARS : truncate every line after CHARS characters (default: 40)
-C COLUMNS : sets the number of colums per line to COLUMNS (default: 6)
-w WIDTH : width fraction of a column (default: 0.08)
-l LDIST : basic lines distance (default: -5pt)
-fs FONTSIZE : use FONTSIZE font (default: 3pt
-s : select - take only entries marked with +
-e : exclude - ignore entries marked with -
-ip : ignore phone numbers (default: take)
-nr : do not remove temporary files
-p : sent to printer immediately (default: no)
-h : print help
-v : verbose on
--version : print version
A textual input file (by default ) is converted into a LaTeX
file, where each entry is typeset in small box with tiny font
The options are mainly to adjust the text box size and offsets.
If option -e is set, entries marked with - are excluded
If option -s is set, only entries marked with + are taken
If ignore phone numbers is set, every line not containing an alphabetic char
is ignored.
By default, the resulting .ps file is opened in a viewer; if -p is set,
the result is sent to the standard printer instead.
relies on: bc sed head latex dvips
author: M. Oliver M'o'ller <omoeller@verify-it.de>
printmailads (V2.3 Sun Oct 17 21:18:23 2004 (Date: 2004/10/18 04:18:40 :))
usage: printmailads [hipv] [-W DIR] [-f FILE]
-h : print help
--icq-file -c FILE : use FILE to retrieve icq numbers (default: HOME/.icq_numbers)
--height -h LEN : use LEN to determine height of one virtual page (default: sleep 11.2cm)
-i : print immediately (default: sleep 10 sec)
--add-icq -I : add ICQ section at end (default: no)
--mail-file -m FILE : use FILE to retrieve alias definitions (default: HOME/.mailrc)
--nick-file -n FILE : use FILE to retrieve nick names (default: HOME/.nick_translate)
--preserve -p : preserve temporary files
-v : verbose on
-f FILE : no printing, save output to FILE
--work-dir -W DIR : working DIR for temporary files (default: /tmp)
--verbose -v : set output to verbose
--version : print version and exit
extract email addresses to postscript file;
can also adds a section with ICQ numbers.
starting point are the three files
[--mail-file / -m ] HOME/.mailrc
[--nick-file / -n ] HOME/.nick_translate
[--icq-file / -c ] HOME/.icq_numbers
In ./mailrc, all lines of the form
alias <nick> <mailaddress-or-alias>(,<mailaddress-or-alias>)*
are relevant.
Nicks containing the substrings -OLD or -ALL are ignored.
For those <nick>s that correspond to a single email address you can
a full name in HOME/.nick_translate using the format:
<nick> <LastName>,<FirstName and more>
In the name entry, all characters ':' are replaced by spaces.
This is consistent with the java utility Nicky.
If existent, the optional file HOME/.icq_numbers
can contain entries of the format
<nick> <icq-number>
relies on: psselect
author: M. Oliver M'o'ller <omoeller@verify-it.de>
ps2bmp (V2.5 Thu Jan 10 17:15:12 2002)
usage: ps2bmp [hvclp] [-f FORMAT] [-s SCALE] [-F FACTOR] [-G GRANULARITY] [-w DIR] INFILE [OUTFILE]
-h : print help
-v : verbose on
-c : channel output to stdout
-l : assume landscape paper
-p : preserve temporary files
-f FORMAT : set format; default: bmp256
-s SCALE : set scale to factor
-C : clip image (i.e. reduce to bounding box)
-F FATTEN : fatten up the picture FATTEN=1,2,3,4,5
-G GRANULARITY : pixel granularity for fattening (default: 0.9)
-V : only vertical fattening
-q : process quietly
-W DIR : working DIR for temporary files (default: /tmp)
--version : print version
Translates postscript files into other formats.
(see gs --help to find out more about possible formats)
If -f ps is set, the input is untouched (except fattening).
If scaling is used, points are taken from the lower right edge,
ignoring the bounding box (since gs cannot handle this).
If -l is set, the width and height of the output are swapped.
Fattening is useful, if a picture should be translated to bitmap formats
later, where the lines should be bigger in order not to vanish when
the bitmap is scaled down. However, this is slow and creates very big
postscript files as intermediate results. Try to keep -F small and play
with -G instead.
If fattening is used and format is not ps, then the image is clipped
If -V is set, fattening works only vertically.
(thanks to Donald Arseneau for a tex hint here.)
relies on: pstops psnup gs bc grep sed
latex [geometry epsfig fancybox]
ps2epsi OR epstool (for clipping)
author: M. Oliver M"oller <omoeller@verify-it.de>
ps2gif (V1.4 Thu Jan 10 17:14:46 2002)
usage: ps2gif [-hlv] [-s SCALE] [-F FACTOR] [-G GRANULARITY] INFILE [OUTFILE]
-h : print help
-l : input is in landscape
-s SCALE : scale up picture (by integer factor)
-t TRANSPARENT : define color TRANSPARENT to be background
-C : clip image (i.e. reduce to bounding box)
-F FATTEN : fatten up the picture FATTEN=1,2,3,4,5
-G GRANULARITY : pixel granularity for fattening (default: )
-v : verbose on
--version : print version
Transforms a postscript (or eps or epsi) file into a gif file.
SCALE is used for magnification, so the resolution of the result
gets higher (and the file gets bigger.
If a TRANSPARENT color is defined (e.g. "white"), then this
color is declared to be background, which is very useful e.g. for
web pages.
IF OUTFILE is "-", then output goes to stdout.
If not OUTFILE is specified, the infile name (minus suffix, plus .gif)
is used for writing, even if it already exists.
If FATTEN is set, then the image is 'smeared' prior to processing.
GRANULARITY gives a way to fine-grain the smearing. The smaller the
GRANULARITY, the finer can be the line that is continuously smeared.
(FATTENING consumes some temporary disc space.)
Since the translation goes over the intermediate ppm format (which
is rather big), the translation may take some time, and hopefully
your pipes don't break ;o)
relies on: ps2bmp (V2.4 or higher) ppmtogif sed bc
author: M. Oliver M"oller omoeller@verify-it.de
split2toast ( 1.12 [Thu May 5 22:46:30 2005])
usage: split2toast [OPTIONS]
options: --help -h : print help
--verbose -v : verbose on
--size -m N : set max disc size to N MB (default: 4400)
--source-dir -s D : root directory of data (default: .)
--target-dir -t D : directory to create symlinks in (default: /root/Burn)
--newer-date -d T : only those newer that date T (e.g. T="2005-01-01")
--only-show -n : do not create directories, only show
--prefix -p X : use string X as directory prefix (default: dvd_)
--offset -o N : skip first N DVDs in counting (default: 0)
--no-files -x : do not create copies of files found in source-dir
--bin-pack -b : dont use alpabetic order, but pack optimally
--version : print version
This script generates a segmented copy of a directory tree, starting
at source-dir (default: .):
For all sub-directories of . symbolic links are generated that are distributed
alphabetically (unless option -b is selected), such that no segment dvd_NN
exceeds a given size limit (option -m, default: 4400 MB)
All files in . are copied to each segment (unless option -x is selected).
Since the copies mainly consist of symbolic links, they will not use up much
disc space. Make sure that your burn application is set to FOLLOW these symbolic
links. E.g, in k3b, select burn option 'advanced/follow symbolic link'
A file OVERVIEW.txt summarizes the distribution of sub-directories to segments.
This works well for a large number of sub-directories, each of moderate size.
Warning: The bin packing algorithm is very slow!
relies on: array sed
author: M. Oliver M'o'ller <omoeller@verify-it.de>
(this package helps maintaining THIS website)
@VERSION: V 0.91 Fri May 30 23:02:11 2003
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; filexec.el
;;; Purpose:
;;; Emacs macros for building files, that contain
;;; exectutable parts - in order to make file update easy
;;; Convention:
;;; The command filexec-run in some buffer jumps to the start
;;; and repeats the following steps:
;;; 1. search for *filexec-start-pattern*
;;; 2. search for *filexec-end-pattern*
;;; 3. delare everything in between as function
;;; *filexec-temporary-function-name*
;;; 4. go to line following the *filexec-end-pattern*, first position
;;; 5. execute *filexec-temporary-function-name*
;;; Caveats:
;;; a. if the code inside the braces includes a change of position,
;;; some code might be skipped, some might execute more than once or
;;; even loop --- better set *filexec-max-calls* non-nil
;;; b. is the code switches buffers, anything might happen
;;; c. the code might contains system-calls; handle third-party
;;; files with great care
;;; Suggested usage:
;;; Use the following provided functions for updates:
;;; exectute-abort-unless : at the very beginning
;;; filexec-remove-until-line-with-string : to eliminate text
;;; filexec-remove-until-line-with-regexp : to eliminate text
;;; filexec-replace-until-line-with-string : limited text replace
;;; filexec-replace-until-line-with-regexp : limited text replace
;;; filexec-insert-newest-file-with-pattern : read from file
;;; filexec-call-command : call shell command (!)
;;; filexec-call-command-capture-output : call shell command (!)
;;; Synopsis:
;;; Making the (emacs) world a better place to live in.
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@VERSION: V 1.0 Thu Jan 10 17:17:25 2002
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; Some Emacs Macros to toggle through an online demonstration
;;; planned in the BRICS CoW meeting on 18/05/2000
;;; Synopsis:
;;; STANDALONE --- is required to work without other
;;; non-standard emacs packages around (!)
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; ------------------------------
;; ------------------------------
;; After loading the demo library (load-demo), you should call
;; M-x init-demo
;; in order to get the shortcut-keys locally.
;; Steer with the following keys:
;; C-n : goto next command; execute
;; C-j : toggle to next command (no execution - yet)
;; C-u : toggle to previous command (no execution - yet)
;; C-p : re-do same command (no execution - yet)
;; C-o : start over this demo
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;; a demo is a list, where
;; * the first element denotes the position
;; * the second element denotes the name
;; * the rest is a bunch of strings to be inserted interactively
;; if they are not strings, they are assumed to be lists, where
;; - lists starting with M-x have an executable command as their cdr
;;; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@VERSION: V1.2 Wed Apr 25 21:37:22 2012
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; Table-Of-Content Editing Helpers
;;; Idea: Structure & Navigate through larger files
;;; Functionalities:
;;; * construct file headers with file information
;;; * structuring ordinary text files
;;; by having 4 levels of headings
;;; * inserting regularly formed comment
;;; * attaching comments at the end of line
;;; * create a table of contents
;;; Primary use is for pure text files and (La)TeX sources;
;;; However, it may be useful for writing source code,
;;; scripts, HTML, and similar.
;;; E.g., this file, was edited with the functions it provides.
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Important New Commands:
;;; * copy-last-line
;;; * copy-last-complex-statement
;;; * text-insert-headline
;;; * text-insert-semaphore
;;; * text-insert-end-line-comment
;;; * compute-table-of-contents
;;; * jump-to-headline
;;; * wrap-ispell
;;; Initialization of keyboard macros:
;;; tocedit-init
;;; Regretful Thoughts:
;;; Parts of this files are rather old and crufty;
;;; Just never got around re-implementing the more ugly parts,
;;; (forgive me)
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
VERSION: $Id: frame-toggle.el,v 1.4 2004/10/11 14:43:25 oli Exp $
;;; frame-toggle.el --- multi-frame toggling independent of window systems
;;; Commentary:
;;; Using multiple frames usually means that you want to switch back and forth
;;; between them. The frame package funtion 'other-frame' merely chooses this
;;; according to some cyclic order.
;;; When using several virual screens, you want to toggle between the frames
;;; in ONE virtual screen. Package frame-toggle maintains a list of cyclic
;;; lists.
;;; New frames are not added automatically to one list (this is usually not
;;; what you want with more than one virtual screen). To add a new frame f,
;;; there are two possibilities:
;;; - foreground the f and call 'frame-toggle-toggle-frame'.
;;; This inserts this frame into the last one reached by
;;; frame-toggle-toggle-frame.
;;; - derive newest frame
;;; The only function you usually should call is 'frame-toggle-toggle-frame'
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; $Id: frame-toggle.el,v 1.4 2004/10/11 14:43:25 oli Exp $
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------