
M. Oliver Möller

 age:  51 years
 cv:  html, pdf, ps.gz, doc
DE Deutsche Version

Welcome to www.verify-it.de

This site is to host my professional profile; It also gives home to some personal resources I want to make available.
In March 1998, I completed my computer science master at the University of Ulm, Germany. I finished my PhD in April 2002 at the international PhD school BRICS, Denmark.
I'm working for the company Verified Systems International GmbH in Bremen im the area system test and software verification.

My core expertise is in
  • formal methods
    methodology, mathematical foundations, connection to design languages like the UML
  • verification
    logical specification, automated theorem proving, model checking
  • real-time systems
    timed systems, deadlines, embedded systems

List of links

Contact information

Email:   <expert@verify-it.de>
If you want to, you can use my PGP 2.6.3in key or some Java encryption.
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