InterTran (tm)
     InterTran (tm), short for Internet Translator, is a free web translation service that can translate single words, phrases, sentences and entire web pages between 767 language pairs.

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Copyright © 1998-2000 Translation Experts Ltd. All rights reserved.

InterTran monthly subscription

Increase speed and accuracy of translation by purchasing the right to use InterTran from a dedicated translation server. The dedicated translation server is much faster because only paying customers are allowed access to it. The dedicated translation server is more accurate because it uses our advanced NeuroTran translation engine. The NeuroTran translation engine is grammar aware for a selected number of languages. Translation engine means the part of the software which does the translation. Grammar aware means that the software understands what the subject, predicate and object are in a sentence. Based on this and other information the translation is more accurate because the right verb endings (inflections) are chosen, subject-predicate and adjective-noun agreement are enforced just. These are just a few of the many intelligent translation rules applied in our state-of-art NeuroTran translation engine available only to customers who choose to open up a monthly subscription to InterTran.

The InterTran interface will be the same as you are accustomed here but with increased speed and accuracy as compared to the standard InterTran. For anyone wanting to use InterTran on a monthly, weekly or daily basis we highly recommend opening up a monthly subscription. We upgrade the NeuroTran translation engine on nearly a monthly basis on this dedicated translation server so that you are assured of the best possible translation performance at all times.

The price is 10 US$ per month for up to 50,000 translated words and 100 US$ for an unlimited number of translated words.
Click here to subscribe. In the order form please choose InterTran and the number of words you would like to be able to translate per month.


For individual customers: Increase speed and accuracy of translation by downloading and purchasing a grammar aware desktop version of InterTran called NeuroTran. NeuroTran is currently available for the following language pairs: English<->German, English<->French, English<->Spanish, English<->Hungarian, English<->Polish and others are being prepared.
Click here to order.

Word Translator

For individual customers: Increase speed and accuracy of translation by downloading and purchasing a desktop version of InterTran called WordTran.
Click here to order. Choose between: Windows, Mac or Unix/Linux.


For corporate customers: Save on translation costs by translating your web pages only once. When you change/update your master pages in your native language InterTran Web Site Translation Server will translate your web pages on-the-fly regardless of how many changes/updates have been made. This way you can keep all the different language versions of your web pages continously updated and correct.
Click here to order. Choose between: Windows NT or Linux/Unix.

Click here for more details...

webmaster - Last modified: Mon Sep 11 11:01:39 2000